Whitchy week

This weeks art challenge got a little witchy ;)

Bee and Puppycat!

I seriously LOVE Bee and Puppy cat! If you haven't watched it go watch it now! It's a 10 min short on YouTube! Soooooo good!

Octo Hoochie

Inspired by a conversation with friends about how a male of certain species of octopus has a detachable sexual organ... And I made a joke about how it must suck to go clubbing as an octipus cuz you could come home to a purse full of..... well you know! XD

Well a friend of ours came back with "Or maybe if you didn't wear that tight hoochy octopuss dress, they wouldn't just stuff your bag with 'em."



My Floran Vinera! like Elvira but a plant El Vinra!!!


I colored her up

my starbound ship!

starbound sketches!

love this game!