CATS!!!! yo

trying to figure out cat legs :/

GW2 Garnet WIP

she's getting there! XD

WIPS and some final work

cuttlefish girl XD! Got the inking done on her!   

And been working on another Vinera pic. Man, that hair is a pain but it's so fun to look at! XD

Here is an art traid I'm working on for a friend of mine. it's hercharacter from guild wars :)

I'm trying to work more on digital painting... I think it's going ok, but armor bothers me :/

Finished the swamp mermaid image :) "She looks a little sad you might say" and I would respond "whelp she is a mermaid living in a swamp... that seems like it might lead to depression, Or maybe someones littering off camera."

Here's charcter I came up with in middle school I kinda rushed this one out but it was a nice braek from the from the art trade painting

Garnet WIP

Got more work done